Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday Books for Wrestlers

I don't do Black Friday.  On that day I was getting some much needed rest and relaxation.  But if you are trying to put together a wish list already, I have some great suggestions.

Wrestling Tough: Dominate Mentally on the Mat by Mike Chapman - I first spotted this at the library during my sophomore year of high school.  As soon as I read the subtitle I knew I had to read it.  It is one of the most comprehensive books for all aspects of the mental game, and can take anyone to a new level.  I checked the book out before the season started, and I got off to an 11-1 start that year.  I reread the passages so much that I maxed out the number of times that the book could be renewed.  Soon after I finally had to return it, I went into a six match losing streak.  I put it on my Christmas wish list, and amazingly started winning more often once I owned the book.  Although many of my matches at the beginning of the season were against easier opponents, I have no doubt that this played a role in my fast start to the season; my mind was extremely focused, and I felt like I was constantly in the zone.

No Excuses by Kyle Maynard - The title says it all.  The author is a wrestler that was born with arms that ended above the elbows and legs that ended above the knees, yet he never let anything stop him in life, and he became a very successful man both on and off of the mat.  When I received this book as a gift six years ago, I was so inspired and motivated after reading just the first chapter that I did one hundred straight pushups, a feat I had never accomplished before then.

Elite Wrestling: Moves for Success on and Beyond the Mat - This one is actually going to be on my wish list this year; I don't own it, but I check it out often enough from the library that I feel it's worth it.  This book is a gold mine of tips and advice from twenty-eight of wrestling's biggest names.  From former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert to Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Norman Bourlag to legend Dan Gable, this book teaches you everything from achieving a healthy work-life balance to running a successful tournament to building team unity.

These books have no peers; I can't recommend enough that you read these.

Wish and read,

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